Category Archives: This Earthly Walk

What I Learned While He Was Away

I had taken a break from writing here for a bit. Mostly because I had run out of things to write about, or more honestly, I hadn’t felt like writing about things. But, now I’m ready again ๐Ÿ™‚

My husband just got back from AT. For you non-military, non-National Guard people, AT- Annual Training-is two weeks during the summer where the soldiers train and drill. I believe that most of the time, this training is two weeks completely away from family. However, I was blessed tremendously by being able to have my husband back in the evening (although later evening), on most nights. ๐Ÿ™‚ Nothing can replace that hug and kiss and “I love you” every night. ๐Ÿ™‚

I believe I learned a lot in these two past weeks.

First, I have become completely convinced of my own rookie status as a military wife. I know exactly what SHOULD be done and how things SHOULD be handled. I could write the manual. But…uh…put me in the field and I get disoriented fast. I have a even greater appreciation for experienced military wives now than I did before. ๐Ÿ™‚

Second, it’s true. You do become more independent and confident. I feel now that I grew in my own confidence and in God being with me, even if I do have to handle things when on my own when my husband is gone. Sure, I won’t be thrilled about it, but I can do it.

Thirdly, even though I couldn’t be part of my husband’s mission (which totally sucks-pardon the word), I was immensely proud of him and did find some ways to be involved. I’ve always wanted to be the little sidekick to my husband. But…the military doesn’t exactly have “sidekicks” in the picture. Blast! lol. So while my husband was off shooting rifles

and driving around in humvees

and trying out night-vision goggles

and repelling off cliffs

(and doing more boring and lessย glamorousย things),

I was at my parents trying not to be jealous and not feel too terribly left out.

BUT, prayer WAS a way for me to be involved. Funny, how that took me awhile to figure out.ย ๐Ÿ™‚

Fourthly, and finally, I hadn’t expected change. I thought, really, what could happen in two weeks? Sure, you just push through and come out the other side and everything is the same again, right? While that’s true to a certain extent. I mean, I’m still me, and he’s still him, there were changes. At first, the changes made me really nervous, and I began planning how I would change things back once AT was over, and I worried about what would happened if they didn’t change back.

Then I kinda got over myself and realized, very obviously, that even if there were changes we weren’t going anywhere and neither was God. It was one of those “duh” moments. ๐Ÿ™‚ I also realized how precious it is to be married to a guy who is committed. It’s not about how long we love each other, or how long we have a good time together. It’s about making the most of what God brings our way.ย We’re here for the good and the bad times. I knew this already, but it was nice to have the reminder, just the same. ๐Ÿ™‚ And, growth (change) isn’t exactly a bad thing. ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh, oh, oh, one last thing. I clung to something over the last two weeks that was especially comforting. The military is something you can’t argue or reason with. What they say goes, and it doesn’t always make sense. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever had to deal with in the civilian world. I’ve heard people portraying the military as a sort of “god” because it can order anything it wants too basically and you just have to do it (okay, my husband has to do it, I personally am under no binding commitment to the military, but it sure helps my husband if I don’t raise too big a fuss). However, the military can’t give one order or move one step without God allowing it. Sure the military will make bad calls and give bad orders, but they are all under the oversight of God.

And I trust God. ๐Ÿ™‚

(P.S. Family support from my own family was precious to me too. Two weeks gave me time to renew relationships, especially with my younger brothers. I got to spend a good bit of time with my mom too and that was precious to me. She really seemed to understand and be okay with me not always being all happy all the time. I really felt that she cared. Thanks, Mom!)


Filed under This Earthly Walk

The good and the bad (a week in retrospect)

…Been one of those weeks…

You know, the kind that you won’t be sad to see gone, where you thank God for getting you through, and keep praying for His continued grace and power in the weekend ahead for you and your loved one. Nah, it wasn’t a horrible week, but I can’t think about too many things that I’ll miss. I won’t miss the quiet suppers sitting alone in front of hulu, trying to find something to watch that is decent, interesting and won’t make me cry (amazing how those three rarely run together). I won’t miss checking the door locks alone and then doublechecking them (yes, I am a little paranoid). I won’t miss staying up as late as possible to put off going to bed alone.

Funny how there is this strange ache from not being touched for a week.

(Okay, that’s all of my complaining…because I know, I am really blessed.)

This Week’s Blessings

(1) Got a wonderful, hardworking hubby who made it a point to communicate while he was gone. (Priceless!)

(2) Met with some wonderful ladies at the Ladies Salad Supper Monday night. I got to hang out with a delightful retired missionary lady to and from the church building, and it was awesome! Heard funny stories from her “on tour” days. Laughing together was good. ๐Ÿ™‚

(3) Got my psychology final studied for and taken. Can’t believe I’m done with that course now. It’s a good feeling. ๐Ÿ™‚

(4) I learned how to calm myself at night so I could sleep ok. Took me a couple nights, but I finally started to figure it out. lol

(5) Got to chat with my family and a good friend the other night. My day’s are running together, so I can’t remember which evening it was, but probably Tuesday. Chatting with them was pretty awesome though. ๐Ÿ™‚

(5) Was guessed as being in gradeschool. Should have seen the man’s jaw drop when I told him that I was married. In fact, his jaw dropped so far, I had to pick it up and hand it back to him. ๐Ÿ™‚ Made me laugh. ๐Ÿ™‚

(6) People from my church prayed for us Sunday evening and offered to help if I needed anything without us even asking. It was encouraging and comforting to me to know that if I needed it, someone was close by.

(7) Even though hubby was away, I could text him whenever I wanted and he was just a phonecall away and in the same time zone. ๐Ÿ™‚

And there are so many more blessings that I’ve begun to think about…now that I started listing them…Thank you, Father!


Filed under This Earthly Walk

Happy Milspouse Appreciation Day!

Hey all, while I’m waiting for the dirty dishes in my kitchen to grumble a little louder before I go and clean them, I thought I’d hop online here. Well, to my surprise, I discovered that today is military spouse appreciation day! ๐Ÿ™‚ That brought a smile to my face. Thank you all so much, military spouses, for all you do! You’re special and amazing!

For those of you who aren’t in the military world, here’s a few blog posts that might give you a glimpse. If you get the chance today, thank a military spouse for what she is doing. Believe me, you’ll make her day. ๐Ÿ™‚

Top 11 Reasons I Love Being an Army Wife

How Deployment Affected This Military Spouse

101 Ways to Thank a Military Spouse

Today and Every Day: Her War, Her Voice

I found these two posts this morning and would love to read more. If you wrote a post today that has to do with being a military spouse, please leave a link in the comments below! ๐Ÿ™‚

God bless!


Filed under This Earthly Walk

Little guy stopped in for breakfast . . .

Things had been getting a little slow around here . . .

but this chipper guy stopped in for breakfast this morning. He and I had a chat, while we were eating (me eating my yogurt parfait and him eating his frosted minibarks).

What? Don’t look at me so funny like. Just because you never talked to a beaver doesn’t mean you can’t.

Continuing on . . .

I showed him the most recent picture of myself.

Priscilla wearing army helmet

He said there’s a very good reason I’m not in the army. I’d look funny in the helmet.

Uh . . . true.

(Plus, that thing is really heavy.)

(Talking to beavers can be rather disconcerting, seeing as they are rather opinionated and not prone to coating their words with sugar.)

He said, my Hubby, on the other hand, can pull it off rather well.

Colin in Army helmet

And on that point, I rather agree with him ๐Ÿ™‚

(My apologies for a completely nonsense post. I needed one of those today. If you’re planning on talking to beavers any time soon, give me a buzz and I’ll clue you in on some of the more common courtesies important among the beaver community.)

In case you’re wondering, here are the recipes for Yogurt Parfait and Frosted Minibarks:

Yogurt Parfait:

– 1 single serving container of plain yogurt

– Honey (added to taste)

– Fresh fruit (oranges, bananas, or any kind of berries)

– Granola

Scoop out the yogurt in a bowl and add enough honey to taste. Then you can choose to layer the yogurt, fruit, and granola in a parfait glass or stir them together in a cereal bowl. Either way, it’s a healthy breakfast and rather tasty too!

Frosted Minibarks:

– Small bark chips from any number of lighter bark trees (birch trees are particularly perfect)

– 1/2 cup Confectionery sugar

– 1 tablespoon Milk

– 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla extract

Layer the bark chips in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Then mix the sugar, milk and vanilla extract together in a separate bowl, Drizzle the glaze over the bark chips and allow them time to sit at room temperature (or if you have the space, put them in your refrigerator). Once the glaze has hardened, pull the Minibarks out and serve.

(By the way, the frosted minibarks recipe is provided solely for the purpose of feeding random beaver visitors. Wild counterparts should be left to their usual diets. Also, it is entirely unfit for human consumption. Trust me on this one.)


Filed under This Earthly Walk

Sometimes we see justice served . . .

You know, sometimes it is just good to see justice served. I know many times, justice will not be given until after we die and we stand before God. But, sometimes, it does happen on this earth, and there is something very, very encouraging about that.

I won’t pretend that I’ve been affected by 9/11 and the events following it, because, in all honesty I haven’t. I didn’t know anyone there and didn’t know any soldiers or their families till just recently. My husband just recently joined the military, so I haven’t really felt the affects much in my own family yet.ย  My heart went out to those I knew were suffering and struggling and subsequent September 11th’s never passed without me remembering the families and praying for them.ย  But, that has been about all . . .

Until recently. Now I know soldiers who have been deployed and who are deployed. I know families and have friends among the military community. I’m starting to realize what all this means and the bigger picture.Yesterday morning, my husband came in to where I was still waking up from sleeping and shared the news with me. I’m ashamed to say it, but I brushed it off. To my pragmatic mind, I knew it would change nothing for me personally. One more bad guy was caught, that’s all. But, over the full course of yesterday and today, things began to sink in. I read the stories from so many other military wives, saw the news, heard of the celebrations going on, and the mixed reactions of so many people.

I remembered back to that first September 11th and my memories from that day. And somehow the news yesterday seemed very right. I thought, you know, this is something that I will be sharing with my children someday.

While I have no right to claim anything for myself, because I have not really been affected, I wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Seals, to their families, and to all the soldiers and their families in the military community — to everyone who has served, not just in this war but in all our wars. My prayers go up for everyone who has been affected in the past many years, and who will continue to be affected for many, many years to come. Finally, I thank God for bringing justice in a way that I can see. May He continue to move and work as He has been and bring an end to this war.

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Filed under National Guard Life, This Earthly Walk

Milspouse Friday Fill-in #39 – Separations and Children’s Names

1.ย Have you and your spouse agreed to live in separate locations (a geographical bachelor tour) knowing that the short-term inconvenience would have long-term benefits for your family? How did it work for you? submitted byย When Good People Get Together

Well, we haven’t had this opportunity, and I’m glad. I can see it being considered if there was a significant short-term career advancement opportunity. Say, further education elsewhere or a short-term internship (or TDY’s with the military). Benefits? Hmmm…possibly a savings with finance, possibly not. Also, it could allow for opportunities that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.

2.ย What is your favorite thing about being a MilSpouse?ย submitted byย Sarah Ruth Today

Hmm . . . well I love how hubby looks in the uniform ๐Ÿ™‚ and the extra drill pay is appreciated. I love being part of the military community (at least online, I don’t live near a base) and have appreciated the contacts I’ve made and the inspiration and encouragement that others have given me. I also think that, being part of the military community gives you a somewhat different perspective on things. You don’t take a lot of things for granted.

3.ย If you could still have your spouse/significant other and your family, but take the military life out of itโ€ฆwould you?ย ย submitted byย Trust. Love. Believe. Bake.

Mixed emotions. The National Guard, in some ways, can be more of an inconvenience and less of an actual job and lifestyle (like I believe it is for many active duty families), so in that sense, yes, I would like to have the inconvenience part gone. However, I’m proud that my husband is in the military . . . ๐Ÿ™‚

4.ย What have your homecoming experiences been like after a year long tour of separation? submitted byย Army Soldier, Army Wife

We haven’t been separated for any longer than a month, and that was before we were married; we’re pretty new to the military. After a month separation, the reunion was very sweet. Like I’ve heard many say, the first couple days (or weeks) are like a honeymoon, you’re so happy to see each other again. ๐Ÿ™‚ After that, you settle into readjusting and realizing that you both went through things while apart that the other didn’t really share in.

5.ย If you have a child(ren) why you chose their name(s)? If not, why you would name your child something?ย ย submitted byย Tiaraโ€™s & ACUโ€™s

Hmm . . . my number one criteria is that both hubby and I like the name(s). After that, I want it to be one that society won’t think is strange. I don’t want our children walking around with names that make people do a double-take. Other than that, I don’t know. I keep trying out names in my mind, and may have some tentatively picked out, but nothing definite yet. I guess, in some ways, romantic that I am, I want to give my children names that stand for something too (like they did in the Bible), but that can get a little tricky. Perhaps, I’ll give my children good and proper names and then give them nicknames with meanings (nice nicknames, that is). ๐Ÿ™‚

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Filed under Marriage, National Guard Life, This Earthly Walk

Apartment Love Day . . .

So, I’ve been busy finishing up my psychology course, and I’m rather proud of myself as I finished all the lessons. Just waiting on the final exam now. I’ll be glad when that’s done. But anyway…that’s been holding a lot of my focus lately.

But today, looking around my apartment, made me decide that it’s time for an Apartment Love Day. It’s been suffering from neglect, and well, I’m taking today to remedy that. There, there, apartment, here’s a day focused on you. Don’t feel all neglected and alone.

Hello, kitchen counter! Definitely needs some loving.

Dirty kitchen counter and sink

Alrighty…dishes almost done. Looking much better. ๐Ÿ™‚

Cleaned up kitchen counter

Now for some little apartment love in the bedroom…oh dear.

Hello bedroom! Goodness…Yes, that is my mess. I…tend to not always see the point of picking something up. I mean, seriously, I’m just going to use it again later anyway, right?

Hubby is helpful with this though; he loves things neat and orderly, and hints gently about it every now and again, and that gets me motivated to do something about it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Honestly, I like a clean and an orderly place too, just lack the motivation sometimes. ๐Ÿ™‚

Messy bedroom floor and bureau

Ah, now that’s better ๐Ÿ™‚

(Hmm…looks like I need to do laundry soon.)

Cleaned up bedroom

Anyway…I’m sure you were very interested in my apartment love day.. “cough, cough” ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Thursday All! Have a good one! ๐Ÿ™‚


Filed under This Earthly Walk

Feeling just a bit military . . . army gear everywhere . . .

Being a National Guard wife, sometimes I don’t feel at all like we’re military. Life is fairly normal, I keep house, he goes to grad school, we have our evenings together for the most part. Of course there are drill weekends, but other than that, it’s pretty much just normal life.

But, Monday night was a little different.

The Army issued him a ton of military gear this past drill weekend, and hubby pulled it out (backpacks, bivy bag, entrenching tool – nasty looking shovel – canteens, eye protection, helmet, rain gear, etc.) and spread it all over our livingroom floor . . .

TA-50 gear

Hubby was excited about all the gear he was issued, and I thought it was all pretty cool too . . .

(and also that many mothers with youngsters could benefit from some of the gear . . . I mean, look at all those pockets!)

But, you know, for someone whom the military life doesn’t really touch all that much, it was a little sobering for me.

I couldn’t help thinking, “They actually mean for you to use that gear, don’t they?”

(I know, I know, duh, right?! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m really very bright . . . most of the time. Honest.)

Actually, I’m glad for the times when I get to be part of the military world. It helps me feel connected and keeps me in that mindset of being the wife of a soldier. When you’re not in it everyday, it can be easy to “forget” and then some things can come as quite a shock.

On the other hand, it appears that our puppy has adjusted quite well to being a military pooch. (That’s the sleeping bag/bivy bag hubby was issued. Puppy thought it was his.)

Happy Thursday all!

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Filed under National Guard Life, This Earthly Walk

What drill weekend is like (pictures)!

This past weekend was a drill weekend.

My parent’s farm cat was one of the first to greet us. She is such a gorgeous cat. ๐Ÿ™‚ She got the name emerald from the color of her eyes (just a bit of random information that you really need to know).

Spent time with my brother, who was back from college on spring break! ๐Ÿ™‚ We were going to hang out at a bookstore (after I met up with a friend for a bit of girl time, catching up, and talking about God and all). Even though I’m pretty crazy about books, my brother and I ended up hanging out in a small hardware store instead for a little. Don’t tell anyone, but I like tools and all that too. ๐Ÿ™‚ I would love to have my own woodworking shop . . . band saw, scroll saw, drillpress, sander . . . “dreamy sigh.”

Anyway, my brother is awesome to hang out with. You should try it some time.

Brother at shop

On drill weekends, hanging out with the family and all is great. I got to make sugar cookies with my two younger brothers too. ๐Ÿ™‚

But, I missed my hubby.

And, after a full weekend, there’s nothing like going home.

(Yep, puppy comes with us on drill weekends too.)

And the price of gas is so, way not cool right now . . .

And here I am. ๐Ÿ™‚ Uh, so sorry, but it’s the only picture I got of myself this weekend. Do you ever watch yourself in the sidemirror, or am I the only one? I find that I do that a lot. I think I’m just terribly curious to see what I look like in random, everyday happenings. Either that, or I’m rather vain. I think I’ll go with the curiosity. ๐Ÿ™‚

Driving back as the sun sets. Happiness is being in the same car as my handsome soldier hubby. (I’d say more, but if I do, might end up getting all mushy, and pardon me if I’m wrong, but I’m not sure that anyone really wants to hear all of that. ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Monday all!


Filed under National Guard Life, This Earthly Walk

Milspouse Friday Fill-In #37 – PCSing, on post strangeness, and Jesus

Milspouse Friday Fill-In #37Hooray, another Friday Fill-In! Hop on over to Wife of a Sailor to join in, or read more great entries. Just remember to leave me a comment first. ๐Ÿ™‚

1. With PCS (permanent change of station) moves happening every few years, do you take the time to paint and decorate your home? submitted by Life as Mrs. JPT

I’m a National Guard wife, so I don’t have to worry about PCSing (though being newly married, with hubby in grad school makes me pretty sure that we’ll be moving in the next couple years, once he graduates). However, if I were PCSing, my first thought would be that of course I would decorate. For me, the decorations give that homey, familiar feeling to a place, and that’s pretty important no matter how often you move. ๐Ÿ™‚

2. If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? submitted by Standing By Him

Okay, confession here. I haven’t watched much TV, so I really have no idea. In fact, I’m not really sure what type of home I would like to live in anyway. Hmm . . . now you’ve got me thinking. ๐Ÿ™‚ Let’s just put it this way, whatever home my husband lived in, that’s where I’d want to be. ๐Ÿ™‚ Beyond that, it’s just details, (though I’ll be honest, sometimes I end up being rather particular about those details . . . “sheepish smile”)

3. What inspired you to start your blog?ย ย submitted by Pink Combat Boots

Hey look, it’s a question by me! (I was just going down through these questions and when I read this one, I thought it sounded familiar. It took me a moment to realize that I had submitted it. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks Wife of a Sailor!)

Uh, the long and the short story of my blogging is that I started it to connect up with others (particularly military folks). I had planned originally to write more military related posts, but as my blog has evolved, it’s become more about my personal life (military living, homemaking, marriage, my “family”) instead. I love writing and having a personal website though. I have the freedom to be myself here, almost like it’s my little corner of the world. ๐Ÿ™‚ Makes me happy and keeps me in touch with others. ๐Ÿ™‚

4. What is the weirdest thing youโ€™ve ever seen on base?ย submitted by Adventures in Life

Well, my base experiences have been very limited. Actually, I’m not sure if I have technically ever been on a real base. I’ve been on several military installations . . . well, ok, two. And as far as I can recall, there really wasn’t anything that strange on them. I did think that having an unmanned barbershop inside of an open, unmanned Subway shop was a little strange, but maybe that’s just me. In the civilian world, if nobody was in the building, it would have been considered closed (and the door would have been locked). And, not to many people would want hair cutting down close to where they are eating (even if the barbarshop was enclosed behind glass).

5. Which historical figure (politician, writer, artist, scientist, actor, etc. . . ) would you like to have dinner with? submitted by Army of Two


Napoleon Bonaparte says it best, “I know men and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between him and every other person in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded His empire upon love; and at this hour millions of people would die for Him.”

I’d like to sit down with Jesus. In fact, I’d just like to be in His presence, and see Him there across the table from me. I don’t think I’d really want to say anything for a very long while. I’d be in too much awe. Sends chills up and down my spine just thinking about it.

Alrighty, Happy Friday everyone! Have a wonderful weekend!


Filed under National Guard Life, This Earthly Walk